Tonia Holibaugh - Professional Handler
Rhapturee Kennel

Employment Opportunities


Live-In Kennel Manager

A private show/breeding kennel specializing in smaller
drop coat breeds and Dachshunds is looking for a Kennel Manager to
care for adult dogs and puppies. Duties include daily
feeding, cleaning, grooming and training plus occassional
whelping of litters. Position includes salary as well as an
apartment, utilities included. Experience helpful but not required.


Live-In Show/Kennel Assistant

A private show/breeding kennel specializing in smaller
drop coat breeds and Dachshunds is looking for an
Show/Kennel Assistant to work with
both the Kennel Manager at home and a busy
Professional Handler at shows as needed.
Salary plus living accomodations included.


Dog Handler/Breeder Apprentice

We also offer apprenticeships for new Maltese Breeders/Exhibitors
and those wanting to train to be a Professional Dog Handler.
These position last for 1 to 3 months, and include a nominal salary
and free living accomodations. Apprentices would be exposed to all
aspects of running a Top Show/Breeding Kennel.

Please contact Tonia for an application and position availability.

Contact: Tonia Holibaugh - Austin, TX area
- Email:


For more information contact:
Tonia Holibaugh, PHA
Professional Handler
Austin, Texas (area)
(512) 295-9086

Club Memberships:
Professionl Handlers Association
American Maltese Association
Austin Kennel Club
Evergreen Maltese Club
AKC Breeder of Merit